Anime Defenders: How to Get Wishes
Strengthen your defense loadout!

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Exclusive Wishes, also known simply as Wishes, are a valuable resource in Anime Defenders. Once obtained, they can be used to unlock exclusive unit variants through using the in-game exclusive wish fountain. These particular units have improved health, strength, and damage stats, making them a powerful addition to your Anime Defenders loadout. To obtain Wishes, you'll need to take part in and complete the Nightmare Mode Hall of Mirrors defense round.
How to Find and Play the Hall of Mirrors
To find the Hall of Mirrors, first head to the main lobby and look for the Hall of Mirrors
entrance sign, which is found next to the LEADERBOARDS
Once located, head inside the Hall of Mirrors
entrance. You'll then need to head into one of the available Enter to Play
slots (a minimum player level of 20 is required):
Next, starting off with Easy mode, you'll need to click the Confirm
button as shown below to start the round.
Once you've completed Easy mode, you'll then need to complete the following Normal and Hard stages to unlock access to the Nightmare stage. Only once you've completed the Nightmare stage will you be rewarded with Exclusive Wishes.