Anime Last Stand: How to Get Monster Essence

A powerful crafting item!

Anime Last Stand
Last checked for codes:16th February, 2025

In Anime Last Stand, Monster Essence is a crafting item which can be used to obtain items like the Rusty Dagger, Captain Cape, and Division Jacket.

How to Get Monster Essence

Monster Essence is only obtainable through completing Tokyo Incident Portal levels, which you'll need a Tokyo Incident Portal for. To obtain a Tokyo Incident Portal, you'll need to complete the Infinite level of the Ruined City story. It has a 1% drop chance every time a boss is defeated, so you may need to complete the level several times to obtain a Portal:

Anime Last Stand Tokyo Incident Portal reward

Once you've got a Tokyo Incident Portal, you'll then need to activate it. This can be done through opening up your inventory, and then clicking Portals at the top of the menu:

Anime Last Stand inventory

Next, click on the Tokyo Incident Portal, and then click Activate:

Anime Last Stand activating Tokyo Incident Portal

A portal which will look similar to this will then spawn:

Anime Last Stand Tokyo Incident Portal example

To start the level, you'll need to press E near the portal. Once the level has been completed, you'll be rewarded with various items including Monster Essence!