Arm Wrestle Simulator: How to Get Tokens
Earn Tokens and crush the competition!

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In Arm Wrestle Simulator, Tokens are a valuable currency which can be used to upgrade your abilities, purchase potions, and hatch new pets for your character. There are currently 3 different ways to obtain tokens in-game, those being through purchasing with Robux, completing quests, and trading with other players.
How to Earn Tokens Through Quests
To earn tokens through quests, first click on the token icon at the bottom left corner of the screen:
This will then bring up the Token Quest!
menu. Simply complete the quests shown on the menu to earn 1 Token. For example, in the screenshot below, you'd need to stay in the game for 30 minutes and train your grip 300 times:
To reset or unlock new quests, you'll either need to complete the quests shown or leave and rejoin the game.
How to Earn Tokens Through Trading
To trade, you'll first need to click on the Trade
button at the right side of the screen:
Next, select the person you'd like to trade with. For example, if you wanted to trade with cripto50 in the screenshot below, you would click the Trade
Once the other person has accepted the trade request, they'll then be able to enter an amount of tokens to trade with in their section of the trade menu:
To improve your chances of earning tokens from the trade, add valuable items to your part of the trade and negotiate with the other player. Once you're both happy with the trade, you'll both need to click the Accept
button to confirm it:
How to Purchase Tokens with Robux
To purchase Tokens with Robux, first click on the Store
button at the left side of the screen:
Next, at the bottom right corner of the store menu, look for the Tokens
counter. You'll then need to click the +
button shown below:
This will bring up the Buy Tokens!
menu. Simply click on the amount of Tokens you'd like to purchase and confirm the transaction to obtain them!