Bee Swarm Simulator: How to Get Drives

Ready to complete some quests?

Bee Swarm Simulator
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In Bee Swarm Simulator, Drives are an item which you'll be able to use to repair Robo Bear. There are currently 5 different Drives you'll need for this:

  • Broken Drive
  • White Drive
  • Red Drive
  • Blue Drive
  • Glitched Drive

To obtain Drives in Bee Swarm Simulator, you'll need to complete a series of quests, starting with first collecting the Broken Drive.

How to Obtain the Broken Drive

Obtaining the Broken Drive will initiate the first quest, and it can be found by heading to the level 30 Bee Zone which looks like this:

Bee Swarm Simulator Level 30 Bee Zone entrance

Once inside the Level 30 Bee Zone, turn left until you find the Robo Pass Dispensers:

Bee Swarm Simulator Robo Pass Dispensers

Next, head behind the Robo Pass Dispensers, and collect the Broken Drive which will look like this:

Bee Swarm Simulator Broken Drive location

Once collected, you'll then need to visit Science Bear, who can be found at the top of this mountain area:

Bee Swarm Simulator Science Bear location 2

Next, you'll need to ineract with Science Bear. Doing so will initiate the "Repairing The White Drive" quest.

How to Obtain the White Drive

In order to complete the "Repairing The White Drive" quest (as shown above), you'll need to:

  • Obtain 1 Glue
  • Obtain 4 Micro-Converters
  • Obtain 12 Soft Waxes
  • Use the Field Booster 4 Times
  • Chase 256 Fireflies
  • Collect 16,777,216 Pollen with the Spark Staff
  • Reach 268,435,456 Total White Pollen Collected

Once you've done all of the above, you'll need to return to Science Bear to receive the White Drive. Next, head to Panda Bear to start the next quest for the Red Drive.

How to Obtain the Red Drive

To obtain the Red Drive, you'll need to head to Panda Bear who is found in front of the Global Top Battlers Leaderboard, and looks like this:

Bee Swarm Simulator Panda Bear location 2

Next, you'll need to interact with Panda Bear and finish the dialogue sequence to start the "Ready For The Red Drive Quest?". To complete this quest, you'll need to:

  • Reach 500,000 Total Red Pollen Collected
  • Earn a Diamond Amulet in the Ant Challenge
  • Earn a Bronze Amulet in the Stick Bug Challenge
  • Get Blown Away by Windy Bee 50 times
  • Defeat 1 King Beetle

Once you've done all of the above, you'll need to return to Panda Bear to receive the Red Drive. Next, head to Dapper Bear to start the next quest for the Blue Drive.

How to Obtain the Blue Drive

To obtain the Blue Drive, you'll need to head to Dapper Bear who is found inside this building:

Bee Swarm Simulator Dapper Bear location 2

Next, you'll need to interact with Dapper Bear and finish the dialogue sequence to start the "Barter For The Blue Drive" quest. To complete this quest, you'll need to:

  • Reach 500,000,000 Total Blue Pollen Collected
  • Collect 25,000,000 Pollen with Planters
  • Purchase 5 Beequips from Dapper Bear's Shop
  • Deal 5,000,000 Damage to Puffshrooms
  • Reach 1,000,000 Damage Dealt to a Single Puffshroom

Once you've done all of the above, you'll need to return to Dapper Bear to receive the Blue Drive. Next, head back to Science Bear to start the next quest for the Glitched Drive.

How to Obtain the Glitched Drive

To obtain the Glitched Drive, you'll need to head back to Science Bear and interact with him. He will then give you a new quest called "Corrupting the Glitch Drive". To complete this quest, you'll need to:

  • Collect 2,048 Duped Ability Tokens
  • Collect 134,217,728 Pollen with Bombs
  • Collect 67,108,864 Pollen with Porcelain Dippler Deams
  • Collect 33,554,432 Pollen with the Spark Staff
  • Craft 128 ingredients with the Blender
  • Defeat 2 Tunnel Bears
  • Obtain 12 Hard Waxes
  • Obtain 8 Micro-Converters
  • Obtain 4 Glues

Once you've done all of the above, you'll need to return to Science Bear to receive the Glitched Drive!