What Does the Ghoul Race Do in Blox Fruits?
Enhance your gameplay with new abilities!

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In Blox Fruits, Races reward players with unique combat abilities and buffs, depending on the Race assigned to the player. The Ghoul Race is one of only two Blox Fruits Races which are not given to a player when joining for the first time - instead, the player must purchase the Race from the Experimic NPC for 100 Ectoplasms and the Hellfire Torch.
There are currently four Goul Race stages. Each stage either improves a player's current abilities, or adds a new one to their skillset.
Stage V1
- Slightly increased regen abilities
- 30% increase in run speed during night periods
- Gives character black horns
Stage V2
- Life Leech is unlocked. This heals back your character 25% of the damage you deal to another player, however only when using a fighting style. If the damage is done to an NPC, your character heals back only 5%
Stage V3
- The Heightened Senses ability is unlocked, which lasts for 8 seconds (and has a cooldown of 25 seconds). This increases character damage by 5%, defense by 15%, and speed by 10%. It also allows the use of moves when cooldown is at 40%
- Incrases character's horn length
Stage V4
Once your character reaches Stage V4 (or successfully obtains Awakening for the Ghoul Race), you'll be rewarded with a randomly selected gear. There are multiple gears for the Ghoul Race, and in order to collect all available gears, you'll need to successfully complete the Trial of Carnage at least 4 times. The abilities rewarded, depending on the gear selected, are:
- Ancient Powers: your character receives max stats, and a 10% increase in speed, damage and healing abilities
- Blood Siphon: this enables Life Leech on all attacks (rather than just moves)
- Domain Expansion: this creates a dark field around your character, which decreases your opponent's health regen speed, and also gives partial blindness to enemies. All previous passive abilities which were only available during night periods are now available to use throughout daytime periods