Fisch: How to Store Fish

Keep your favorite fish safe!

Last checked for codes:Monday

Fisch currently has over 200 different types of fish to catch and collect, with some being more interesting and valuable than others. Once you've built up a respectable collection of fish, you're more than likely to come across some fish you don't want to get rid of - and this is when favoriting fish comes in. Although there isn't a proper way to store fish outside of your inventory, you are able to "favorite" them, an in-game feature which prevents them from being accidentally sold.

How to Favorite Fish

To favorite fish, you'll first need to open your inventory by clicking the Open Backpack button above your hotbar:

Fisch open backpack button

Next, find the fish you want to favorite, and simply right click it. When done successfully, the fish should gain a yellow outline and a star above it:

Fisch favorited fish example