Jujutsu Shenanigans: How Many Emotes Are There?
Taunt your enemies in style!

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Emotes are often one of the best ways to communicate with (and taunt) other players in Roblox games. Jujutsu Shenanigans is no exception - with over 90 different emotes available, including ones like Grillify, Stretch and Demon, you'll be sure to find one for every situation you find yourself in!
There are currently four categories of emotes: Stationary, Traversal, 2 Player and Interactive.
Stationary Emotes
Emote Name | Description |
Bling | A dance moving your hands from side to side. |
Bow | Performs a bow with one arm to the side. |
Bow2 | A full body bow. |
Bow3 | Full bow on the ground. |
Challenger | Raises a hand with two fingers displayed. |
Chirumiru | Arms and legs move up and down in a repetitive cycle. |
Coin flip. | Performs a coin flip. |
Dragon | Throws your shirt to the ground. |
Dogsync | Performs a cycle of popular dance moves. |
Fumokill. | Pulls out a plush toy, and squeezes it until it explodes. |
Garbage | Drops your body flat to the ground. |
Grillify | Creates a BBQ for your character to grill on. |
Heart | Does a heart symbol with a heart image pulsing out of the centre. |
Honored | Floats your character in the air, surrounded by beams of light. |
Insane | Flaunts arms behind your back. |
Jackpot | Performs Kinji Hakari's signature jackpot dance, swaying your hands above your head. |
Jiggy | Performs the Jiggy dance. |
Lethal | Places arms by sides and performs a dance (inspired by Lethal Company). |
Kikufuku | Performs a dance with a paper bag, with musical notes appearing as you do so. |
Menacing | Creates a menacing pose with a surrounding purple aura. |
Miko Miko No mi | Your character swings around a gohei whilst dancing. |
More | An... enthusiastic dance. |
Nervous | Causes your character to shake nervously. |
Objection | Your character points aggressively, with the text 'Objection!' appearing above. |
Party | Gives your character a confetti cannon. |
Photos | Pulls out a phone to take several photos with. |
Pokedance | Performs a dance, swinging both arms and hips side to side. |
Popipo | Another powerful dance! |
Reader | Causes your character to sit on a chair and read a book. |
Role | Creates a blue energy aura around your character. |
Score | Pulls out a sign with a random number on it. |
Selfie | Your character pulls out a phone and takes a selfie. |
Silly | Performs a silly dance. |
Sit | You sit down on the ground. |
Smug | Performs a dance with arms swinging around in the air. |
Stance | Puts your character in a fighting stance. |
Stretch | Causes your character to perform some stretches. |
Sturdy | Your character does the "Stury" dance. |
Sunglasses | Pulls out sunglasses with a rose petal effect. |
Swap | Takes off your character's head accessory. |
TestEmote | Performs a unique dance. |
Unlucky | Performs a dance using your legs and arms |
Vessel | Slicks your hair back. |
Wait | Your character stands shakingly with both hands outstretched. |
Nah I’d Win | Creates a text box above your character saying "Nah, I'd Win." |
OPP | Causes your character to appear from out of a box. |
Headphones | Your character puts on headphones. |
Potion | Your character performs the monster mash dance. |
Hugo | A dance which bounces your legs and swings your arms. |
Snap | Snaps your fingers. |
Sidepot | Performs a dance with a large blue aura behind your character. |
Lightsticks | Causes your character to swing around two blue lightsticks. |
Moneyfan | Pulls out a stack of cash, which your character starts fanning with. |
Role2 | Your character performs a stance surrounded by a red aura. |
Traversal Emotes
Emote Name | Description |
Boom Mic | Causes your character pull out a boom microphone. |
Cardboard | Creates a cardboard box for your character to hide under. |
Broom | Causes your character to ride a floating broom, followed by a rainbow trail. |
Stomp | Causes your character to stomp forwards. |
Chill | Pulls out a Bloxy Cola for your character to drink whilst walking. |
Chill v2 | Causes your character to lean forward whilst walking. |
Demon | Causes your character to float forwards, followed by red afterimages. |
Murder | Your character's path is surrounded by daisies when walking. |
Rainwalk | Rain appears above your character whilst walking. |
Windy | Causes your character to play a flute whilst walking. |
2 Player Emotes
Emote Name | Description |
Spin | Causes your character to grab another player and spin them around. |
Hug | Causes your character to hug any player who interacts with you. |
Drag | Drags another player behind your character. |
Carry | Carries another player on your back whilst walking forward. |
Conga | Starts a conga line with other players who interact with you. |
Guidance | Causes your character to strike the Yuji & Todo pose with another player. |
Haircut | Seats another player in front of your character, allowing you to change their hair colour. |
High Five | Lets other players high five your character. |
Places | Causes your character's arm to stretch outright, causing nearby players to collapse when interacting with you. |
Rocks | Lets you play rock paper scissors with another player |
Clash1 | Bashes your character's head with another play, causing you both to recoil away from eachother. |
Clash2 | Causes you and another player to jump into the air and crash into eachother. |
Interactive Emotes
Emote Name | Description |
Turbo | Causes your character to jam out to music. |
Camera | Lets you take photos of other players with a camera. |
Boombox | Pulls out a boombox, from which you'll be able to select and play songs (with valid song IDs). |
Basketball | Causes your character to dribble a basketball around. |
Clap | Causes your character to clap everytime you click. |
Message | Pulls out a customisable board which you'll be able to display text on. |
Piano | Pulls out a playable piano. |
Unlicensed | Lets you play the "Unlicensed Flight Game" (a game similar to Flappy Bird). |
Unlicensed v2 | Lets you play the "Unlicesned Catch Game". |