Slap Battles: How to Get Rob

It's time to rob your opponents of victory!

Slap Battles
Last checked for codes:Sunday

In Slap Battles, rob is a badge-obtained glove which was introduced in June 2023. Rob's unique ability, called "rob (rob really dislikes bob)", allows the user to consume nearby enemies and become invulnerable to attacks from enemies for a short period of time. To obtain it, you'll need to earn the Emissary of Light badge.

Step 1: Acquire 5 Players

First, you'll need a total of 5 players (including yourself) to obtain rob. Each player will need to have 1 of the following gloves:

  • Tycoon
  • Reaper
  • God's Hand
  • Killstreak
  • bob

Step 2: Use the Bob Glove's Ability

Next, the player using the bob glove will need to use the glove's ability on any of the other players. Once used, all players will need to stand close to the bob entity.

Step 3: Use the God's Hand Ability

Next, the player using the God's Hand glove will need to use its ability to stop time. This will then open up a portal which will cause all players to be then teleported to The Dark Realm.

Step 4: Defeat the Eternal BOB Boss

After being teleported to The Dark Realm, you'll need to work together with the other players to defeat the Eternal BOB Boss. Each player has 4 lives they can use to defeat the boss, and the battle will normally take between 45-60 minutes.

Step 5: Defeat the Other Players

Once the Eternal BOB Boss has finally been defeated, you'll need to defeat the other players you took down the Eternal BOB Boss with. If you're the last one standing, you'll then be granted the rob glove.

Step 6: Defeat Eternal BOB's Final Phase

Using the rob glove, you'll need to defeat Eternal BOB's final phase one last time. When successfully defeated, you and the other players you started the battle with will be teleported back to the main world, and be rewarded with the Emissary of Light badge and rob glove!